Offer under the [German] Packaging Act

As of 01/01/2019, the Packaging Act (VerpackG) will supersede the Packaging Ordinance still valid to date. From 2019, producers of packaging subject to mandatory system participation are required to license all packaging materials they bring onto the market with an accredited dual system and to register with the National Authority for Packaging Registration (Zentrale Stelle).

1. Definition: “Producers of packaging subject to mandatory system participation”

As of 01/01/2019, “producers” as contemplated by the Packaging Act (VerpackG) are all those who bring packaging into commercial circulation for the first time (i.e. including those who import packaging material). “Packaging” does not mean the actual packing material; essentially, this refers to sales packaging “typically offered to end-consumers as a sales unit consisting of the merchandise and packaging“ (Section 3 (1) No. 1 VerpackG). This also includes secondary packaging, service and dispatch packaging used in online trading, including filling material and labels.

“Sales packaging subject to mandatory system participation” refers to sales and secondary packaging filled with merchandise and which typically ends up as waste with the private end-consumer after consumption (Section 3 (8) VerpackG). Accordingly, it is not the producer of the packaging materials who is affected by the VerpackG but the person who fills the packaging with merchandise, i.e. who produces the sales unit (referred to below as the “initial distributor”).

2. Duties of the initial distributors

Each party subject to the regulation must

  • register with the National Authority
  • register its packaging volumes (type of material and mass of packaging – annual volume planned) in advance with a dual system and with the National Authority
  • report the actual volume of packaging at least once a year with its dual system and with the National Authority (by end-February of the subsequent year)
  • and possibly submit a statement of completeness to the National Authority
  • comply with duties to provide information.

Input sales packaging / material
Sales packaging / material Volume in kg per annum
Paper/cardboard/paperboard (PCP)
Ferrous metals
Beverage carton containers
Other composite packaging
Other materials (e.g. wood, cork, cotton, jute)

B2B supply chain - take back transport packaging

We offer you individual solutions concerning the return and recycling requirements for transport packaging of your b2b supply chain at the location of your customer.
This includes

  • Transport packaging,
  • Sales packaging and outer packaging which, after use, are not typically generated as waste by private final consumers,
  • Sales and outer packaging for which system allocation is not possible due to system incompatibility, and
  • Sales packaging of pollutant-containing products.
It is not mandatory to license transport packaging. Transport packaging is packaging which is intended to simplify the handling and transport of goods in a way that avoids direct contact and transport damage and, it is typically not intended for distribution to the final consumer. Attention: Transport packaging that ends up with the final consumer is not considered to be transport packaging anymore.
Take-e-way offers you the option of taking back transport packaging or processing individual collection orders on demand.

Services performed by take-e-way

You bring packaging into circulation and would like to enlist the services of take-e-way as a system provider to meet your product responsibility.
take-e-way offers its customers / initial distributors maximum possible relief from administrative tasks arising from legislation under the Packaging Act and support you in complying with the statutory obligations to ensure a market presence in conformity with the law. By pooling the requirements relating to licensing, transport and waste disposal services for packaging materials, the best possible prices and conditions are offered to the initial distributors for implementation of the statutory requirements.

What we do for you:

  • register you with one or a number of dual systems for VerpackG via take-e-way
  • provide information for registration with the registration portal of the National Authority for Packaging Registration
  • provide the licensing certificate of the dual system as proof via take-e-way
  • report annual volumes planned under VerpackG to the dual systems with an additional overview for your business for reports to LUCID via take-e-way
  • report monthly or quarterly as well as annual volumes with interfaces to dual systems in accordance with VerpackG
  • qualified annual volume (annual volume planned) in August with IT-aided interfaces to dual systems
  • report annual volume (end-of year volume)
  • monitor deadlines with reminder functions relating to statutory or contractual periods stipulated
  • provide assistance with the completeness statement
  • monitor and display your planned volumes and actual volumes reported

Qualified VerpackG offer; contact

By entering your contact data, you give us permission to submit a qualified offer to you in conformity with the Packaging Act.

Please complete in full:

Please calculate 8 + 3 and enter the result in the following field as a number:

Yes, I have read the Data Protection Deklaration and hereby accept it.

We will send you a verification link, which you are kindly requested to confirm.


take-e-back - take-back system for distributors and resellers of electrical equipment


Vere - Association for the Return and Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)


get-e-right GmbH - Authorized representative for companies without a branch office in Germany within the meaning of the ElektroG (Elektrogesetz)

Imprint | © take-e-way GmbH, 22041 Hamburg | Version: 446.1.9050.27242